Giving to St Mary’s
Like all churches and charities, St Mary’s survives and thrives thanks, in large, part to your generosity, whether its your time or financial. We ask you to consider making or increasing your contribution to the financial health of St Mary’s. We want to continue doing all the things that make St Mary’s a beacon of hope in our local community, and hope that the information below will provide answers to your questions about money matters in the church. And thank you for your generosity; every bit makes a difference.
Ways to Give
Online Banking
You can make a one-off donation or set up a regular standing order, using the following bank details:
Account name: St. Mary’s Parochial Church Council Account No: 00738648 Sort Code: 12-11-03.
Once you have donated, please drop us an email at the Parish Office
Use Just Giving
We can accept donations via Just Giving.
This is a reputable organisation that aids charities with fundraising. You can make a one-off or regular donation, add a note or purpose to your donation, include your name and details or remain anonymous.
Cash or Cheque
Cash can be given in the church collection on a Sunday.
Income tax can be reclaimed on this money if it is in a Gift Aid envelope (available at the back of the church)
You can give cheques on a one-off or regular basis. Cheques should be payable to St Mary’s Parochial Church Council
QR Code
By scanning the QR code image above (using the camera on your smart phone), you can make a donation via our Sum-Up account.
The code will take you straight to the Sum-Up portal where you can make a donation on a safe and trusted platform.
If you are a UK taxpayer you can increase the value of your donation through Gift Aid at no extra cost to yourself. This allows St Mary’s to reclaim tax on any donation you make to the value of 25p for every £1 you give. You can download a Gift Aid form here, or obtain one from church. Please return the completed form to the church and we will reclaim the tax on your gift. Remember to notify the church if you cease to be a taxpayer.
Active, planned giving is a vital way of showing your support for St. Mary’s and making sure the everyday miracle of all that goes on here continues. If you are not already an Active Giver please become one now by letting us know how much you are willing to give monthly. If you are already an Active Giver please consider increasing the amount you give monthly. Even if you’re unable to do so please be sure to renew your pledge here.
Once you have made any online donations or filled in any of the forms or simply have any other questions please let us know by sending an email to our Parish Administrator:
Giving through your Tax Return
If you are a higher-rate taxpayer (40%), the church can only claim back your gift at the standard rate.
You can then reclaim the remaining tax paid on any gifts in your annual tax return. It would help if you did this in the year of the gift wherever possible. If you wish this part of your tax relief to be given to St Mary’s, Primrose Hill, you can request on your tax return that the Inland Revenue does this. You will need to quote reference number KAJ20XG in your return.
Cathy Howard, our Stewardship Secretary, will be glad to supply you with any of the appropriate forms and will be happy to answer any questions entirely confidentially.
Are You Willing?
Have you thought of remembering St Mary’s in your will? Leaving a gift in your Will to St Mary’s is one way you can make a real and lasting difference. It also has the advantage of reducing your inheritance tax liability. There are various types of legacies:
· a specific percentage of your total estate
· a residual legacy – this is the amount left after all the specific legacies have been made
· a specific amount of cash
In each case the wording you should use is:
“I give to the Parochial Church Council of the Parish of St Mary the Virgin, Primrose Hill, in the Diocese of London, the sum of £x (or x% of my residuary estate) free of duty to be applied as to both capital and income by them for such purposes specified in Section 5 of the Parochial Church Councils (Powers) Measure 1956 as are charitable; and I declare that the receipt of the PCC Treasurer or other proper officer of the Council shall be a sufficient discharge to my Trustees.”
FAQS about donations
Who am I giving money to when I make a financial contribution?
Your donation goes directly to the life and work of the parish of St Mary’s Primrose Hill. We are solely reliant on the regular giving of our members and other fundraising activities, including hiring our spaces, the church shop, and the proceeds of events such as the Designer Sale. On some designated Sundays, we give the cash in the collection to various charities and mission projects at home and abroad, but we will always tell you when the donations will go to another cause.
Why donate money to St Mary’s?
In short, because money is a practical necessity to allow us to sustain and grow the life of the Church, maintain and improve our building, and carry out Christ’s mission in the community. Financial contributions and fundraising must cover all aspects of our day-to-day and capital expenses. This has been made more difficult in recent years by the cost-of-living crisis affecting prices for almost every expense.
St Mary’s is part of the Church of England. Are your activities not funded by the central Church?
No. In fact, the opposite is true. We pay annually into a central diocesan pot called the Common Fund. In return, our vicar receives a stipend and housing, we benefit from the shared resources of the Diocese of London, and contribute to the wider mission of the Church. However, from a financial point of view, this is an expense and not a source of revenue.
How much should I give?
The General Synod suggests a target of giving 5% of post-tax income to the church and other good causes for those who are able. Individual circumstances differ significantly, and we ask only that you do whatever feels right to you – this may change over time. All donations, however large or small, are received with thanks.
How can I give?
There are a number of ways to make a contribution, which you can find above. If you worship with us regularly, either online or in person, we ask that you consider making a regular donation via a standing order with your bank. This planned giving, even if it is a small regular amount, is preferred because it helps us to budget and know as accurately as possible how much we are likely to be receiving in each period.